Saturday, July 9, 2011


Some who knows me well, knows I have always wanted 7 kids! My husband says he compromised for me with one, but I am working on him and so is the Holy Spirit!(lol) (Its not hard, he's melts with Aly Grace lol)
Lately the Lord has awaken this Spirit of Adoption in my heart like never before! The other night, we were at my in laws and Aly was roaming the house looking for Mr. Darcy (the kitty) she just adores him. We were all admiring her and laughing at all her cuteness, then my mother in law said one of the most profound and yet so simple of things "Every Child should be Loved, like we Love Aly!" Oh that struck a cord in me and my heart was even more burdened for all the orphans, the foster children, and the abused children all over the world.
I'm not exaggerating, my heart is so heavy, I weep thinking about how overwhelming the numbers are of abandon children there are.
To change emotions on you, I am angered.
There is no excuses, the Church as a whole has failed! We need to not continue to walk out our judgements through our abortion rallies and parades, we have to take action! If people opened up their homes to adoption, I believe along with many others that the "Abortion problem" alone in or country will be vanquished!
The practical where most of us get tripped up and where we stay, (I cant afford to adopt, its too expensive, I can barely meet my needs to add another one, the list goes on)
We're talking about a life, a life that has already felt neglect to the highest degree an at such an early age, a life that can completely be renewed, restored, and appreciated!

I have been researching adoption here in the US, and adopting Children from the state you live in is a roughly a 12 month process, paperwork and all. Going through the foster system to adopt is a lot cheaper, than going through other agencies if you are worried about the finances. Also anything you spend for the adoption is a tax write-off, and you will get it all back the following year. So finances cant be an issue, anymore!

I could go on and on, but just know, my heart is to encourage people who have room to make room! Make room in your hearts through prayer, and then make room in your home!

I have 2 adopted sister in-laws and 1 adopted brother in-law, we thought when we adopted them we would change their lives, and we did, they have a place where they belong, but most importantly, they broke us, made us more humble, more gentle and more kind! We will never be the same!

If you can adopt in your heart, God will make a way for all of the rest!!

We don't have a whole lot of money but we have 2 bedrooms and someone gave us a whole new bedroom set for free, I now have no excuse, there is always and extra bed in my home!!

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