It's been way to long since I have blogged I have like 6 different drafts that I never came and finished, but feeling the urge to share something tonight.
It's Halloween for the next 20 mins and Aly our 2 yr old wanted to be a princess dinosaur :). Se was very cute and have a great time at our church's pumpkin party!
She has grown up so fast, 2 has been my favorite so far, a new word or saying every day, a new side of her personality to discover and learn, and a day full of learning more stuff she can blow me away with the next day!
She is the closest thing to being a human sponge as you can get. She picks it all up, mannerisms, facial expressions, words, down to the way she walks, she is constantly learning and constantly growing.
Parenthood is such a strange journey, one of the most rewarding things I will ever do in my entire life is be her mom. Seeing the effort you put it and the discipline you have to have to be consistently loving can be so draining but so rewarding!
And to think we have an almost 2 1/2 yr old who will become a big sister in the next couple of weeks blows my mind! Zac and I were set in trying to wait to have kids, but each one our blessings came in Gods chosen timing. We can image where we'd be or what we'd be doing if we did have Ay and now our new sweet baby girl on the way!
We stop and say at least 5 times a day, gosh look at our girl, she's so big, so precious and ours!
We still feel 19, but instead we are 25. We use to think 25 was old, but now we think its just the beginning.
I personally feel old sometimes, because as a former youth pastor my heart is to want to hang and encourage young people, but I keep getting older and they seem to be getting younger.
The natural separation has begun, I am considered a mom, not a cool married lady with funny stories from college. My stories now consist of Aly and all the adventures she takes me on.
Most young people are as excited about little kids and moms, like they were about fresh out of college and newly married people.
I have felt the disconnect for some time now, I have learned to except that my life has taken on newer meaning, newer depth, more so than I ever thought it could.
I have a baby who is growing into a little girl and another baby in my body, to say my life isn't my own is an understatement, but I would change it for the world.
If the only reason I was created was to have Aly and raise her to be a Godly woman than so be it, that is worth it all!
I will do all I can to fully prepare her for all that life can bring her way, but every night my prayer for her is that she would have a sweet encounter with The Lord for herself, not something from Zac and I but something she has on her own.
I believe God has already begun that work, and it only encourages me to be a even better mom and teacher.
Believe me, I don't always get it right,I can be short and snappy and I hear the Holy Spirit saying watch yourself, slow down, reassess the situation. Do I always listen, not always, do I always reprint yes, because if the only thing I can teach Aly is to repent and be humble then she will ok.
I know I am not perfect but I have a perfect God to help me along this journey!
Aly Grace Hagerty is my first born, my sweet little girl who will be the best big sister I could ever ask for!
Thankful for my blessings! So very thankful
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