Something has really been bothering me in my heart lately about the slothfulness that is in the body of Christ!
I know slothfulness may not be a word, but it describes the group of people I am addressing
Slow to do anything, no real drive, and lack of care even for the people and things around them
I may group them together by how they act but I know they all didn't have this same experience for them to turn out this way.
Their could be many reasons, many situations, circumstances, and life styles. We all are different and we all act differently when things come our way,but why is their this mask of slothfulness over a large group of men and woman in the Church?
Why do we just want to get by? Why do we not desire more from God, if somewhere along the way we lost interest in Him why didn't we talk about it, why don't we take it up in prayer?
How is it that the slothfulness isn't fulfilling us at all, but we resort back to it like a dog returns to its vomit.
I believe it's all because of comfort, we desire it, we long for it, we will get fat over it. We long for comfort.
It's frustrating to me, because its so hard to sit back and watch these talented and anointed men and woman go to waste all because they don't want to feel uncomfortable.
The disease is instant gratification, our culture is all about this, and its infiltrated the church, so instead of waiting on God to affirm us we do everything we can to have man affirm us.
Waiting and being silent before The Lord to hear him speak is so foreign to so many because we get frustrated waiting on a text message reply.
We wonder why we aren't moving forward in our relationship with The Lord because we don't take time for him, we don't meet him where he is we want him on our terms.
Yet God is so gracious, because he wants our hearts to be turned towards him.
Recently I had a youth pastor takes thier students to a youth convention in another state and the Mormons that they brought got saved, (praise God) but using their words they had a hard time entering in to worship because the worship pastor was singing a secular song and trying to get people to worship God. Yet alone the same pastor leading worship led all his own songs he wrote and was trying to push his new cd that all the songs were on but people weren't suppose to be focused on him, they were to focus on God.
My youth pastor friend began to tell me even more stuff that the speaker brought it was using sperm illustrations to how we win when we except Christ, I was floored that this was what was being spoken to thousands of young people. Like that was the best we had to offer them, was a worship leader who worshiped himself, and a speaker who's perverted inner life spilled out into his message about God.
We the church have to be different, how can we offer the world Christ when we don't even know him?
We all are broken, we all need some fixing, but it begins with humbling ourselves and getting right with the one who made us!
We have to make a choice to serve God, or the enemy, you can not have two masters, choose one or the other.
We can never use selfish gain for the Gospel, because the Gospel is the opposite of anything selfish!
We may need a revival in our nation but first it has to begin in the hearts of the ones that say they follow Christ! Then it will become contagious!
Sorry if this sounds like ranting but it's just what I was thinking.
I like to hear other people's thoughts on this subject.
Wonderful blog Mandy! I have never been a materialistic person, but I found out, this past year, that I was more so than I thought when I had to give up all my living space for two single women, one a single mom with two children, and my family in addition. I found I wanted my house to be clean (at least not junked) and I wanted everyone's things picked up every day. I found that what I thought was "mine" or even "ours" was not mine or ours at all. I found that I had to give up money, space, time, and had to be extremely unselfish. It was an interesting time of dying to self, to say the least. In addition, because of financial hardships, we are now at the point of selling our house and moving back into a townhouse half the size of the house. Moving back to the townhouse doesn't bother me so bad, but the fact that we can no longer afford our house has been very humbling. So a great big YES to the fact that we are "comfortable". The comfortable way of living definitely flows into our spiritual life. Most people won't give up an hour of comfort for someone else, much less their home, finances, etc. The true heart of God is to love. The true heart of God is to serve. For transformation to take place in the church, the people have to reach the heart of God. America is probably in the BEST place it could be. We are self-centered, selfish and uncaring. Lack of finances, lack of resources causes a community to come together. Look at the tragedies, as recent as Hurricane Sandy coming through the east. People come together in tragedy. We are not willing or wise enough to come together without a catastrophe. We need to WAKE UP and do what Jesus did! LOVE, serve, sacrifice, and give ALL for the Kingdom of God! Seek His KINGDOM first and ALL things will be added unto you!